Mind-ful-ness "The mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a...
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Your A-Game: The Big 3 Steps for Building Mindfulness in Sport: Awareness, Acceptance, and Action
Mindfulness. Meditation. These are big buzzwords in the world of sports. It may seem odd that elite athletes engage in meditation to improve performance but modern research shows that...
Staying on course to reach your performance goals is sometimes challenging, so making sure you don't get distracted or derailed is key to success. Follow these simple guidelines to help stay on...
Many athletes have moments when they decide to commit to see a dream come true. These deep desires to make something happen are known as intentions. Our positive intentions are a combination...
The last time I went to the dentist’s office I, as many do, had conversation with the woman who was cleaning my teeth. We talked about my schoolwork, her children, and many other usual things. To...
Mindfulness and Sports Hypnosis As a hypnotherapist specializing in working with sports people, I very often have clients coming to me for help with things such as wanting ‘more focus’ or...