Whenever the term “yoga” is uttered, modern-day mentality immediately turns to skinny girls with stretch-pants and yoga mats flocking around popular yoga centers and Bikram studios. Alas, it’s...
Category: Psychology
Many people who are into sports will have heard about a sports phychologist. It's an important job and seeing one is important as well but why exactly should you see one. Everyone (whether into...
A morning yoga routine is just what your body needs to prepare itself for the stressful day ahead. Are you feeling tired even after drinking the daily cup of morning coffee? Can’t bring yourself to...
Performance psychology has gained more and more visibility lately, becoming a study branch in itself, and aiming to help people on their road to success. But what is performance psychology? What will...
Powerlifters are elite athletes who face some of the same mental challenges as athletes of other more traditional or commercial sports such as basketball and football. However, they have the added...
6 Tips for Applying Motivational Interviewing Training as a Sports Coach
Motivational interviewing is a counseling approach that anyone can use, even parents and teachers. It is best for encouraging people to want to change on their own, rather than being the one to push...