Mindfulness is extremely helpful when you are having a bad practice and need to re-focus yourself back to the present. But bad days don’t just happen in athletics. Maybe at work a customer became...
Category: Mindfulness
“We live and die by the tongue” is a saying that means that the exact, literal words we choose to say and think are extremely important. We are surrounded with words all the time- in media, at...
Everybody knows that we all go through different stages of growth and development, both in our personal and professional lives. These stages don’t happen at the same time and don’t have the same...
What Is a Growth Mindset? The Determined Race to Self-Improvement
Do you believe that you can achieve your goals by working hard and developing your abilities? Do you think that dedication leads to success? Do you believe that if you don’t tend to your talent and...
Are you familiar with the terms “fixed mindset” and “growth mindset”? One can apply them both to life in general, and to sport and performance. Dr. Carol Dweck coined them when she was...
What Is Appreciative Inquiry? 6 Tips on Applying It in Sports
Appreciative inquiry (AI) is a psychological approach that some businesses use to encourage positive change. If they want a better company culture, they can utilize appreciative inquiry to...