Athletes and Performance Anxiety Have you ever felt like your anxiety was too high and worked against you in practice or in a game? A certain amount of competitive “juices” or anxiety can be good...
Category: Mindfulness
Facing Adversity with mindfulness The Carrots, Eggs and Coffee Story: I met with a college athlete last week who was struggling with balancing the demands of her sport, academics, and missing home....
Mindfulness Techniques Here are the 3 basic principles and foundational tools of mindfulness techniques that can be simply understood by athletes and coaches of all levels: 1. Non-judging 2....
Mindfulness and Sports You may be wondering how mindfulness can benefit athletes. To answer that question mindfulness needs to be explained. By definition, mindfulness is both a...
The third pillar of mindfulness exercises involves learning how to recognize that emotions play a large part in determining how you feel and thus perform. In order to gain an...
Concentration, Mind Tools and Athletes Sport competition and training centers are busy places. The mind of an athlete can also be a busy place, but of course only the athlete can know this. It is...